So my dearest Jamie, who to me will always be my Jame Jame, and I her Shan shan, was married to the wonderful Nate Nate a couple weeks ago. I love them a lot a lot. Jamie and I share this secret silliness that doesn't come out with all people but freely flows when we're together. We share a lot of similarities from our perfectionist tendencies to the one thing that can make us bawl in an instant and everthing in between. And Nate Nate, he's gonna be a great husband, such a great leader, so loving, patient, and silly too. I just love how he loves my Jame Jame. They're going to have a great life together. I'm going to miss being her favorite roomie ; )
Oh and as for the wedding, after months of perusing blog after blog looking for inspiration and direction it went off without a hitch. And my jame jame...honestly, the term drop dead gorgeous falls short of how beautiful she was. Stunning. Truly stunning. You'll see in a minute...

Sooo maybe I overposted....but I really couldn't help it. Like I said people I love my jame jame.