"First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage"....yes I remember teasing many o friends with that one in elementry school...and it all started with 'k-i-s-s-i-n-g' haha. Well that little song is actually playing out as one of my bestest's is soon to have a lil bundle of baby boy joy. I'm so excited for her and her hubby, Dan 'the Man.' I was in their wedding a couple years ago, a marriage which the Lord has so evidently blessed. They went from thinking that they'd be moving to Oregon to ultimately buying a house a couple months ago in Beaumont, close to where my parents live. Lil Ryan is already loved by many...and I mean looooved, I added the extra o's to make my point clear. Bekah's baby shower was this weekend and the lil guy already has more stuff than he needs....no...seriously, you would've thought he has 25 grandmas all there to spoil him with the amount of stuff crammed into the living room and tumbling out of the zillions of baby gift bags colored with blue.
Well Bekah and I went down to San Diego a couple of weeks ago to visit another of our bestest's Melody who lives down there. Bekah, Mel, and I all went to the same church a few years ago but didn't really become friends until we all worked at Club JA in Redlands...okay it's not really a club it's an Aveda hair salon. We had many fun times there together and grew pretty close somewhere in between cutting foils, making appointments, and deflecting the drama of working in a salon ; ) We've continued to be the three amigos as life has shifted, Bekah now married and prego, Melody now married and moving to New Mexico (boo), and I now graduated and doing the working thang 24/7. Anywho, we went down to visit miss Mel and had a great time at the beach and then hangin down by her house at mission beach on the lil boardwalky. I brought my cam along to get some pics of Bekah's baby bump in action, which really couldn't be any cuter : )