Yep, she picked out this combo herself. Don't you love it? Heartstravaganza, tights and all.
Valentine's Day is such a great excuse to spoil your kids and let them know just how....nice you are. As a little Valentine's token I gave my daughter a four dollar t-shirt from Target that had a 'kitty and puppy' on it encircled by a pink heart. Yes, it was dreadfully cheesy. Glittery. Plasticky. I knew she'd adore it because her love of things plastic and pink, while deeply cliche, is decidedly chromosomal (plastic watches, even green ones, are cool too). Moreso, I knew she'd love it because these days she's all animals, all the time. She brings home books from the library like "Raising Your Bulldog" and "Jasper's Big Day", which incidentally, my weeping husband told me, was about a family having to put their dog to sleep. She loved it.
So she took one look at her new shirt and exclaimed, in her sing-songy voice, "OH my GOSH... it is SO beautiful it...it...it makes my eyes fill up with tears. You are the best Mom in the whole live world". And then she hugged it like it was her new best friend, her eyes glistening. Oh, sweet validation. And that, my friends, is how parents are trained to spoil their kids. And she's only six.
Spencer on the other hand was a little down this morning. He says 2nd grade "sucks all the fun out of holidays". All work no play makes Spencer a dull boy. Poor guy, he's having a little one-fifteenth life crisis as it sets in that he is, in fact, getting older and they don't have parties all the time in school. He's gonna love college though, eh?
L.A. Update:
My kids wanted to know what celebrities we saw in L.A. and I could not impress them to save my life. Michael Bolton, will.i.am, Ryan Seacrest, various basketball players and the Millionaire Matchmaker chick did not register. Go figure. But you kind of wonder who you might have missed along the way.
Well, it has been brought to my attention that Us magazine ("7 Nights in Hollywood") reported Orlando Bloom was seen dancing crazily to "Tainted Love" at the Friday night hot spot 'Teddy's' on January 25th. OK wait, WE were dancing crazily to "Tainted Love" at Teddy's that night. And that dance floor was about 10x20 and not that crowded....so.....that means he must have been...wait a minute... oh man! Missed it!! What the heck was I looking at, my feet? The ceiling? Now THAT would have impressed the kids...the swashbuckling guy from 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. Argh.
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