Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Welcome to college lil seester.

My one and only and bestest sister graduated high school a couple weeks ago. I'm so proud of her and all she's done and encountered through life thus far. I'm excited to see her pursue a nursing degree and know she'll make the most incredible nurse ever. Seriously, she's going to be Ammaaazing. As for the graduation, it was lotsa fun. We made a nice big Hoo-Rah! A couple of air horns and some screamin vocal chords made for nice support...the kind of rachet that every graduate hopes for. Tef received her diploma, shook a couple hands, and was glad to be moving on to the next part of life. I'm super glad for her and can only imagine what the next four or so years will bring.

Soo I have to include this side story about my Dad....just have to. My poor know how some schools release birds as some sort of attempted act to be inspirational. You can see where this is going already im sure... Well they say the lil mantra "And you will soar on wings like eagles" and they released the doves (not sure why they didn't just get eagles). Well this one bird decided to single out my dad for a little drop zone if you know what I mean. Yes, the dove dropped a turd right on him. We felt bad for him, but really no one could stop laughing.



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