Soo this past weekend we threw a farewell party for our wonderful friends, the Schaaps at Jamie and Nathan's. Putting aside the sadness of them moving to Minnesota so soon, we had a wonderful 'vunderful' time. We ate a lot of yumminess ranging from smores toasted over the bbq to the same type of cake they had at their wedding...we pretty much all felt sick after the gorge fest.
To help them remember their freakin awesome friends in cali, we had a lil photo sesh with M and M of which you'll see below. For some reason Mark and Megan can rock a sad face better than anyone out there, and I was made fun of for my lack of ability...whatev. After taking our turns with the guests of honor we played spoons and another card game that was new to me called 'Mow Mow'. Now I was warned that everyone would be fighting, and if you've ever played this game you know why.
The girls were crying, the guys were brawling, and many people threw down their cards and walked out.
Okay so that didn't really happen, but It really is one of the most frustrating games in the wooooooorld! We ended the night with the cake I was talking about earlier of which we lit up with candles and serenaded them with our version of "For He's A Jolly Good Fellow." I'm pretty sure as they blew out the candles they wished that they could find friends in MN half as great as we are ; )
Stay tuned because later on this week Megan and Mark are going to get all dressed up in wedding garb and do a "Trash the Dress" sesh with me before they leave. Sooo excited.